Ironclad Basics
Ironclad is a Contract Lifecycle Management platform that allows you, the end user, the ability to self-help by submitting a legal question, a document for review, or generate a contract on your timeline to suit your business needs.
Introduction to Ironclad
Watch this quick video for an introduction to Ironclad.
Accessing Ironclad
You will log into Ironclad via Okta.
Note: If you do not see Ironclad listed, please contact IT to request access.
Logging into Ironclad will take you to your Dashboard.
From your Dashboard, you will have the ability to launch any workflow that you have access to. If you feel that you need access to a workflow that you don’t see, please reach out to LegalOps.
View Ironclad How-To Guides
Ironclad how-to guides are available here.
Topics include:
Learning to Speak Ironclad
Starting a New Contract
Resuming a Saved Launch Form
Reviewing a draft and make edits
Send a Copy to the Counterparty
Updating/Adding a New Version
Placing Signature Tags in a Workflow
Uploading an Executed Agreement
Last updated