FY23 goals board

We use Focalboard to track our company-wide goals.

This page summarizes our processes and instructions.

Instructions for Monthly DRI updates

  1. Go to Goal - By the 2nd Tuesday of the month, in the left tab, click on Goals by DRI. In the board, scroll to the goals under your initials.

  2. Share Forecast - Open each goal and update the "forecast" field with your forecast for the end of the period. E.g. For "Q1 Forecast", put in your forecast for Q1 ending number.

  3. Set "Status - Status is a summary of how you feel progress is going.`

    • GREEN - If you believe you'll hit your target by the end of the period, set status to Green.

    • YELLOW/RED If you feel your target is off-track, but there's still a chance to hit your target, set status to Yellow, and if it's way off use Red.

    • UNREACHABLE If you feel it's impossible to reach your goal, set your status to UNREACHABLE. Your MLT member will work with you to bring this to the monthly review meeting to discuss how we can adapt as a company.

    • DATA NEEDED If you don't feel you're able to provide a forecast, or are unsure about anything in the process, set status to DATA NEEDED.

  4. Share "Going well" and "Not going well" - Add a comment to share more context about your goal. Include at least the following:

    • Going Well: Share wins, successes, and good news in general. Share "Thank yous" to people who have helped, and @mention them if you feel appropriate.

    • Not going well: Share the key issues you're facing. If the status for the goal is not Green, share the key reasons why in this section.

    • Next actions: Share key actions to be taken in the following month, with owners and checkins. Be specific.

  5. Update the "Last Forecasted" - Update the field "Last Forecasted" with the date of your forecast so MLX knows it's been completed.

Last updated