Documentation style guide
Mattermost documentation is presented in various forms. We have product documentation, a Handbook, API guides, developer documentation, in-product copy, and microcopy. While there are different audiences for all these bodies of work, there are some guiding principles that should be applied to all our content.
The contents of this document can be applied to our product documentation, Handbook, developer documentation, and API guides. In-product copy and microcopy are covered in a separate guide.
Apply the style guide in the following situations:
When you create a new document.
When you convert a document from Markdown to reStructuredText.
When you revise a document.
When you revise a document, apply the style guide rules to the part that you changed. If you have time to update the rest of the document, then do so. If the scope is significantly greater than you originally anticipated, then do what you can and what makes sense, and then create an issue in GitHub. Give the issue an appropriate title, such as File XXX converted to .rst, but needs updating for style guide.
General principles
Always think about the audience that will be reading your writing. Our audience comprises multiple personas, but we typically communicate with a technical audience and want to present Mattermost as being a friend of the practitioner in development, IT, and operations. It must be accurate and clear, and easy to navigate.
The document structure should be consistent, as should the left-hand navigation sections. For example, each of our tools' documentation includes a Getting Started section, an Overview section, and the section names are the same. This is as much for us as it is for our audience - consistency makes it easy for contributors to help us with content, and helps provide context and familiarity to readers.
Write in the context of achievement. The documentation should help Mattermost users and administrators achieve their goals. Write imperative sentences as much as possible. Imperative sentences begin with verbs and give instructions, information, and advice to help people install, administer, and use Mattermost with success. Use positive constructs as much as possible, but note that a negative construct can act as a warning that causes a reader to pay closer attention to the content, resulting in higher levels of accomplishment.
Write to facilitate scanning. Readers need to find information quickly. People don't read documentation as much as they scan it for solutions to their immediate problem. Writing and presentation styles that seem redundant in essays or other texts are often helpful to people scanning for information.
How we write things
One of our ongoing initiatives is to ensure our documentation is written in natural, clear language. We also focus on empathy and ensuring that we set our readers up for success. This section of the style guide is about content we reuse across our documentation.
For details about how we write UI text, naming conventions for CTAs, and writing with empathy, take a look at the User Interface Text Guidelines.
Plan and deloyment support details
Visitors to Mattermost product documentation look for confirmation that a given feature is supported as part of their subscription plan and available in their self-hosted or Cloud-based deployment. This information is placed prominently at the top of every documentation page for easy scanning.
Plan and deployment details can be added to new product documentation pages using the following RST syntax that uses a Sphinx include
The include
directive points to an RST file, and the file you specify is one of 12 templated files that cover all combinations of plan and deployment support available in the /_static/badges
Note: The :start-after
line is important and shouldn't be omitted. The nosearch
attribute is present in the templated RST files to instruct Sphinx not to return the templated files in search results. The include directive tells Sphinx to hide the nosearch
text present in the templated RST files when publishing the page.
Tabbed content
Users visit product documentation looking for a clear, golden path to success. As software complexity grows, the paths to success can become less straightforward and dependent on customer-determined variables like operating systems, databases, and product release versions.
Organizing product documentation content in selectable tabs is an effective way to reduce clutter and reduce the amount of time readers spend looking for answers. Tabs can display more product information on a page without requiring the user to scroll through an entire page of content, and readers can reach relevant details with just a glance.
Content can be formatted to display in tabs using the following RST syntax:
Note that tabbed content syntax applies only to RST source files and is not yet available within Markdown source files, and that spacing and indentation are important elements of the syntax. When previewing draft work, if tabbed content isn't displaying as expected, carefully review spacing and indentation.
When presenting content in tabs, tab names must be exactly the same across all instances, for consistency.
"From Mattermost version 6.0..." vs "In Mattermost versions up to v5.39"
Return Mattermost configuration settings in search results
The product documentation site returns and prioritizes configuration settings in search results. This is achieved by adding metadata to each configuration settting section in the form of a directive and its options. Please see for comprehensive details on how this search engine was designed and implemented in the source code via Sphinx.
This metadata is positioned directly above each section header on each config setting docs page, and will look something like this:
The directive itself needs a unique identifier, such as web-useletsencrypt
. The directive's options, including displayname
, systemconsole
, configjson
, environment
, and description
essentially duplicates the config setting details. We're doing this so that the config setting details readers want show up on the search results page.
Note that we're currently manually duplicating config details (in this directive metadata as well as the docs content itself), but we'll automate this in the future to ensure only one source of data needs to be maintained. (This manual step is a stepping stone towards that automation approach).
The setting directive supports the following options:
: User-friendly text that is displayed as the name of a config setting systemconsole
: The location in the System Console of the config setting configjson
: The config.json name of the config setting environment
: The environment variable for the config setting description
: Description of the config setting; can be any length
Note: the description
option also supports basic reStructuredText markup but doesn't support nested directives within that option.
When documenting a new Mattermost configuration setting, ensure you add and populate the metadata in the source file to ensure the config setting can be returned in search results. Missing metadata will result in missing search results. The configuration settings source files contain many examples to work from.
Writing style
While we don't strictly follow a specific Style Guide, we've based our Style Guide on the Chicago Manual of Style for the most part. We also borrow conventions from the AP Style Guide. In cases where we have a blend of the two, we've provided references and explanations.
We try to keep the following top of mind when creating content:
Work on the premise that "Every page is page 1", as a large portion of users access our documentation directly from a Google search
Add a summary to the top of each page for readers to be able to quickly assess the content for suitability
Break long sections into smaller, easily digestable subpages
Have at most one key point or action per paragraph
Refer to one thing or idea with the same word throughout the page
Use ordered lists or bullets where appropriate, as they are generally easier to read than long blocks of text
Minimize content so it can be found and remembered. Keep pages short, modular, and focused on a single topic
Mattermost documentation is read and used in many countries/regions and cultures. For this reason, you must consider cultural differences on a global scale. Names, places, events, and actions should be chosen as carefully as possible to avoid misunderstanding.
Also remember that English isn't the primary language of many readers of the documentation. Keep the following advice in mind when writing:
Choose words with one or very few meanings.
Use simple verb forms in writing. Most verbs in the simple form are likely to have an equivalent in another language.
Avoid jargon and slang words.
Limit difficult words to technical terms where their use is unavoidable.
Always make sure that your spelling is correct.
We write in English and use American English. This means we use "z" instead of "s" in words like "organization". It helps to set your browser and editing tool to use a US dictionary so that if you inadvertently use British English, you'll be alerted. Currently, our documentation is not localized, but many other aspects of Mattermost's tools, such as in-product copy, are.
One very important rule is to avoid constructs where you are forced to write either he or she, or his or her. You can use they or their as singular forms instead. As we write in first-person, we generally refer to you, users, them.
We borrow from both AP and Chicago in this instance:
Spell out numbers when the number is the first word in a sentence or is less than or equal to ten (i.e. one to nine), otherwise use figures (i.e., 10 upwards). Use commas to make long number strings easier to read.
Avoid 3 cows ran for 6 kilometers when they saw 2300097 mosquitoes chasing them.
Preferred Three cows ran for six kilometers when they saw 2,300,097 mosquitoes chasing them.
"In terms of numbering, policies and philosophies vary from medium to medium. America's two most influential style and usage guides have different approaches: The Associated Press Stylebook recommends spelling out the numbers zero through nine and using numerals thereafter—until one million is reached. Here are four examples of how to write numbers above 999,999 in AP style: 1 million; 20 million; 20,040,086; 2.7 trillion.
The Chicago Manual of Style recommends spelling out the numbers zero through one hundred and using figures thereafter — except for whole numbers used in combination with hundred, thousand, hundred thousand, million, billion, and beyond (e.g., two hundred; twenty-eight thousand; three hundred thousand; one million). In Chicago style we would write four hundred, eight thousand, and twenty million with no numerals. Chicago style would require numerals for 401; 8,012; and 20,040,086."
We use the Oxford (serial) comma in our documentation.
Avoid The cows ran from wolves, coyotes and mosquitoes.
Preferred The cows ran from wolves, coyotes, and mosquitoes.
Document titles
We use sentence case for document names/titles. A document title is usually called an H1 heading and is either denoted by #
in Markdown or ======
in reStructuredText. The title appears in the left-hand navigation and at the top of the table of contents. Use a title that accurately reflects the content of the document. People scan the table of contents looking for answers; it's often faster than using the built-in search engine.
Use sentence case for document titles (e.g. "This is an article about Documentation"). Where a word/title/name is lowercase, retain that casing in the title (e.g. "This article covers the mmctl Tool").
Instead of "Deployment guide for organizations" we write "Deployment guide for organizations"
Section titles and headings
We use sentence case for section titles and headings. Each section should have a heading, and the heading should relate to the content of the section. A section heading is not required if you have only one section.
A section title is usually called H2, H3, H4, etc. Section headings are usually not clickable, but instead have formatting like bold or italics. Section titles are denoted by #
in Markdown, with the number of #s indicating what level of heading is being used (i.e., ##
for H2, ###
for H3 etc). In reStructuredText the heading rules are slightly more complicated in terms of formatting, as we use Sphinx to process our documentation. You can read more about this in the using reStructuredText markup section.
Use sentence case for the section heading (e.g. "This section is about types of headings") except where a word/phrase is a proper noun (e.g. "Mattermost"), the name of a country/region (e.g. "The United States of America"), and so on.
Title example
Instead of "Writing Guidelines for Editors" we write "Writing guidelines for editors"
Use the second person and avoid the first person.
Avoid We'll view the status in the Status pane.
Preferred View the status in the Status pane.
Use active voice in preference to passive voice. Active voice has the subject of a sentence doing the action. In passive voice, the subject has an action done to it.
Avoid The Status pane will be opened by the system.
Preferred The system opens the Status pane.
Use the present tense.
Avoid Sharing this link will let other users view the linked message.
Preferred Sharing this link lets other users view the linked message.
Terminology Guide
Throughout Mattermost documentation, you’ll see the below terms mentioned and used. Their definitions and reason for usage are defined below.
Used to refer to Mattermost the company and Mattermost the product.
Mattermost is an open-source, self-hosted messaging platform with unlimited file sharing, search, and integrations
Configure Mattermost on your server
Refers to an on-premises Mattermost environment comprising hardware (server/s), database, filestore, etc., which hosts the required files to run Mattermost.
Your Mattermost installation includes physical servers
Used to refer to making a new installation widely accessible. It can also refer to releasing an updated version, patch, etc.
Desktop App deployment guide
Used to describe the settings and customizations applied to Mattermost to change the appearance and behavior.
Edit the configuration file to include any custom settings related to your domain
Mattermost Server
Used to refer to the single Linux binary that is installed on the physical server which hosts your Mattermost installation. It is not used to refer to the product going beyond the binary name. Always capitalize the "Server" when referring to the name of the binary.
Download the Mattermost Server binary
Mattermost server
Used to refer to the physical server on which you run Mattermost. It is also referred to as the customer’s Mattermost server. Always lowercase "server" when referring to the customer’s physical Mattermost server
Your Mattermost server may need to be rebooted before changes are applied
Web App
Used to refer to the Mattermost Web Application. References to general web applications are not capitalized.
Mattermost Web App
Mobile App
Used to refer to the Mattermost Mobile Application. References to general mobile applications are not capitalized.
Mattermost Mobile App
Desktop App
Used to refer to the Mattermost Desktop Application. References to general desktop applications are not capitalized.
Mattermost Desktop App
public channel
Used to refer to channels available to all members to discover and join. Written in lowercase and not hyphenated.
Outgoing webhooks are supported in public channels only
private channel
Used to refer to channels managed by synchronized groups. Written in lowercase and not hyphenated.
Users can remove themselves from teams and private channels managed by synchronized groups
direct message
Direct messages are for conversations between two people. Visible only to the people involved. Written in lowercase and not hyphenated.
Full names appear in the direct messages member list and team management modal
group message
Group messages are direct messages that have conversations among three or more people. Visible only to the people involved. Written in lowercase and not hyphenated.
Group messages are listed in the sidebar
Used to refer to collectively to all types of computers, phones, and other devices.
Speak with the owner of any other proxies between your device and the Mattermost server
To promote consistency and clarity, follow the word usage and spelling guidelines below.
can, might, may
The word may can have several meanings. To avoid ambiguity, use can or might instead of may. Use can to mean capable of and might to mean that something is possible. Use may only to give permission to do something.
Use as one word downtime, not down time.
emoji, emojis
Use emojis as the plural form of emoji.
login, log in, log into
Use login as a noun or adjective, and log in and log into as verbs. For example: Log into the Mattermost server using your System Admin login credentials.
setup, set up
Use setup as a noun or adjective, and set up as a verb. For example: Set up your operating system as described in the Ubuntu documentation.
, sign in, and sign into
Use sign-in as a noun or adjective, and sign in and sign into as verbs. For example: Sign into your Mattermost account using the sign-in credentials that were sent to you.
Single Sign-on
Single Sign-on is abbreviated as SSO. When using the long form in a heading with title case, it's Single Sign-on.
Gender-neutral Text
Avoid constructs where you're forced to write either he or she or his or her. You can use they or their as singular forms instead.
Preferred The community manager monitors the forum for well-written questions and answers, and posts them to the Contributors channel. Avoid The community manager posts questions and answers that they think are well-written. Do not use The community manager posts questions and answers that he or she thinks are well-written.
Using ReStructuredText markup (rst)
The reStructuredText specification allows for a certain degree of flexibility in markup to achieve your goals. For example, you can use any one of more than a dozen characters for section title underlines, and you have the option of using an overline in addition to an underline.
The majority of Mattermost technical documentation is written in .rst
. The examples below describe the conventions we use when writing in .rst
Page titles
Underline page titles using =
, with no overline. Underlines should be as long as the title text.
Section titles
Underline using -
for section titles.
Underline subsections using ~
for the first subsection level, and ^
for the second subsection level.
Table of contents
Insert a table of contents into a document using the following format:
Text formatting
Use highlighting of text to visually set off words and phrases that are important to readers. Content that should be highlighted includes file names, UI controls, and window titles. The following table has a comprehensive list with examples.
"At the command line, type sudo apt-get install nginx
Directory name
File name
Inline code
fmt.Printf("2 times %d = %d\n", x, y )
"Type https://
in the string field."
Screen output
See :ref:literal-blocks
for an example.
Parameter values
"Set the auto-config parameter to false
Field names
If the field has punctuation, include that in the formatting. For example "Enter the URL in the Enter URL: field."
Clickable control
"Click File > Save."
UI elements
"Open Main Menu > Account Settings."
Dialog boxes
"The Create Thread window opens."
"Read the book Clean Code by Robert Martin."
User account names
"Log in to the mysql account."
Parameter names
"Set the auto-config parameter to false
Keyboard buttons
"Press CTRL+U to upload a file."
Placeholder field
"Use the URL in the form of {hostname}{team}."
Bullet lists
For bullet lists and sublists, use -
before the list item.
Numbered lists and procedure steps
Create numbered lists and procedure steps using numbers for the top-level list and lowercase alpha characters for the first nested list.
Name-value groups
Use a name-value group instead of a hand-created list.
A name-value group is typically a group of terms and their corresponding definitions, but can also be questions and answers, topics and values, or other name-value groups. In HTML output, a name-value group is represented as a definition list.
Preferred Total Users The total number of active accounts created on your system. Excludes inactive accounts. Total Teams The total number of teams created on your system.
Avoid Total Users: The total number of active accounts created on your system. Excludes inactive accounts.
Total Teams: The total number of teams created on your system.
To create a name-value group such as a definition list, type the term on a line by itself. On the next line, indent the definition.
Documentation links
External links
External links take readers to a page outside of the Mattermost product documentation. External link URLs are automatically rendered as links in Sphinx (when formatted correctly). Where possible, incorporate hyperlinks within the text of a sentence by lowercasing the link text.
External hyperlinks within a sentence can be created using the following formatting:
Note the full URL, the opening and closing single quotes, and the two underline characters at the end of the link syntax.
The link above renders as: Mattermost Product Pricing.
Internal links
Internal links take readers to a page within the Mattermost product documentation. When creating links to pages in the product documentation, always use a relative URL instead of an external (or absolute) link. A link with an absolute URL is not as flexible as a relative URL. Relative URLs don't break when the documentation is moved to another host, or if the documentation is hosted on a server that's behind a firewall without access to the Internet.
Link to another page in the same section
To create a link to another documentation page within the same section of the product documentation, use the following formatting:
The file extension is not part of the syntax, and that two underline characters are missing. Sphinx uses the title of the document as the link text.
If you're looking to create an internal link to a section on another page (as opposed to creating a link to the top of a page in general), the syntax above won't work. Docs is investigating further to identify a solution.
In Sphinx, references are constructed using roles, and roles point to locations in the documentation set. The two roles that are relevant in Mattermost documentation are the :doc:
role and the :ref:
role. In both cases, the HTML output is a relative URL for the target location.
role is used for creating relative links to other documents.The
role is used for creating relative links to arbitrary locations within the documentation set, including within the same document, based on a unique identifier specified at the top of a source file. The:ref:
role is a two-part construct. One part is the link itself, and the other part is the target on the source page.The link itself is specified as: :ref:
The target is added as the first line of the source page (preceding the title):
.. _arbitrary-text-label:
Link to a section heading on the current page
To create a link to a section heading on the current page, identify the unique anchor ID assigned to the section title in a local build, a remote build, or within production, then use the following formatting:
Bullet lists
The Sphinx processor creates a relative link to the section, and uses the section title as the link text. On output, the link looks like this: "For more information about bullet lists, see :ref:arbitrary-text-label
Use the following construct to insert an image:
You should use alt
tag for all images.
You can also add the following image options: height
, width
, scale
, align
, and target
Inserting an inline image is a bit more complicated. It's a two-part construct that consists of a label and the image directive. Surround the label text with vertical bars, the |
Then insert the following image directive at the bottom of the document:
Literal blocks
To use a literal block with no syntax highlighting, use the Sphinx code-block directive with the language set to none
Code blocks with syntax highlighting
To create a code block with syntax highlighting, use the Sphinx code-block directive with the language set to the language that you want highlighted. Many languages are available, but in Mattermost documentation the most likely ones are as follows:
The following example is a block of Go code.
Archive documentation pages
When a documentation page is no longer needed, that page should be archived. Archiving a page prevents that page from being included in the build altogether.
To archive a documentation page:
Identify where you want the reader to go instead of the page that's being archived.
Move the source file to the
folder.(RST files only) In the file you just moved to the
folder, add:nosearch:
at the top of the file (above any anchor identifier, title, or code comment present in the file). This prevents the documentation page from being returned in search results.Add a redirect to the
file from the archived page to a new destination page.Search for and replace any links across the documentation set to the archived file, including LHS, landing pages, and paragraph-level links.
Silence not in toctree
build warnings
not in toctree
build warningsWhen working and building the documentation locally in a development environment, writers can review build warnings and errors in the /build/warnings.log
file. Build warnings and errors can include (but aren't limited to):
Broken links
Documentation pages missing from the LHS unintentionally
Syntax and formatting issues
As part of monthly documentation release cycles, technical writers review and take action on build warnings and errors reported.
To silence warnings for RST documentation pages that are missing from the LHS unintentionally, add :orphan:
at the top of the file (above any anchor identifier, title, or code comment present in the file). The next time the product documentation is built, that warning is silenced. (A documentation page can contain both :nosearch:
and :orphan:
, and these two directives can be listed in either order).
Stop a documentation page from being returned in search results
Some documentation pages should never be returned in search results, including:
Archived pages.
Unofficial documentation pages. All unofficial product documentation should live within the Mattermost Discussion Forums.
Pages that exist only to be included on other documentation pages. These pages often don't provide enough context to be useful if accessed directly.
To prevent RST documentation pages from being returned in search results, add :nosearch:
at the top of the file (above any anchor identifier, title, or code comment present in the file. (A documentation page can contain both :nosearch:
and :orphan:
, and these two directives can be listed in either order).
Add code comments
Adding code comments to documentation source files helps contributors understand why specific decisions were made or what additional knowledge is required when working within a specific source file. For example, if a documentation page isn't accessible in the LHS by design, adding a code comment in the source file helps future contributors understand that it was an intentional decision.
In RST files, format code comments as .. Code comment text here
. Code comment text isn't visible to users in the published product documentation.
Embed videos in product documentation
To accommodate the many ways that people learn, its helpful to include visual elements, such as videos, in the Mattermost product documentation. The process and code needed to embed a video on a documentation page differs depending on how the video is hosted. Mattermost typically hosts product videos through either YouTube or Wistia (and Wistia is preferrable over YouTube, when available, because viewers aren't subject to ads).
Embed a YouTube video on a page
Obtain the YouTube video link.
The code to embed the video consists of two parts: a paragraph-level link and iframe code. Copy the code below into the documentation source file, then update the introduction text and replace the
Embed a Wistia video on a page
Request the Wistia inline embedded code snippet from the video producer.
Copy and paste the code you receive into the documentation source file. The code you receive will look similar to the following example:
Plan and deployment badges
Most Mattermost product documentation pages feature plan and deployment badges located directly under the page title or section title. These badges indicate:
The Mattermost subscription plans that support the feature or function. Options include All Plans, Enterprise, and Professional.
The Mattermost deployment approach that supports the feature or function. Options include Cloud or Self-hosted.
These badges are defined on a per-page basis as inline images located close to the top of the source file. Please be careful to avoid making changes to the badge code when modifing other aspects of the documentation page.
Note that, longer term, it would be ideal to replace the current badge implementation with a more programmatic solution where the badges are defined once and simply referenced across all applicable documentation pages.
Using Markdown
The majority of Mattermost technical documentation is written in .rst
format. However, there are some instances where Markdown is used, for example the Mattermost Handbook. You can read more about using Markdown in the Formatting Text section of the Mattermost product documentation.
Manage and resolve merge conflicts
Mattermost hosts the source code and content of its technical documentation in GitHub repositories. Documentation is updated by submitting pull requests on GitHub. After a pull request is reviewed and approved, it is usually merged into the master branch without further changes. Sometimes, however, conflicts between the files being updated and the master branch must be resolved.
GitHub flags conflicting regions of a file with these characters: <<<<<<<
, =======
, and >>>>>>>
. The block of text between <<<<<<<
and =======
is the content that the pull request is attempting to merge. The block of text between =======
and >>>>>>>
is the block of text from the master branch that conflicts with the content in the pull request. Resolving a conflict may require removing content that has been updated in the pull request, or manually integrating text from the pull request. The flag characters must also be removed.
After resolving the conflicts in a given file, mark it as resolved in GitHub. All conflicts must be resolved for the merge to proceed.
The image below shows a section of a file with a merge conflict:
The lines between <<<<<<< issue-5951-authentication-oauth-ms
and =======
are from the pull request. The lines between =======
and >>>>>>> master
are from the master branch. In this case, metadata had been added to the same region of the file that was edited in the pull request. In order to resolve the conflict, the text from the pull request and the metadata were kept, while part of the text from the master branch was removed.
Last updated
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