MLT cadence
The following cadence is used to product our Monthly Business Review deck.
Week 1 - Monthly Strategic Review
Begin the month deciding on strategic ISPs, and ISPs from last month’s MBR
Tuesday Meeting - 60m "MLT Monthly Strategic Review"
Strategic issues as ISPs discussed and decided
MLT invites MLX as appropriate
Time permitting, ISPs from prior MBR discussed and decided
MLT invites MLX as appropriate
Time permitting, have MLT feedback for 10 minutes at the end of this meeting
Week 2 - Monthly Forecast Update
MLT leaders prepare for MBR by reviewing results with their directs and appropriate MLX teams (e.g. MLX Growth). Forecasts for FY23 Goals are shared, with context.
Tuesday Meeting - 60m hold for "HOLD: MLT MBR Prep"
Slot for ad hoc ISPs--Tell CEO in Monday 1-1 if meeting is MLT meeting is needed
Otherwise, this is prep time for MLT and their directs/MLX
Due Date: Forecasts Updated for FY23 Goals by Thursday EOD
In first two months of the quarter forecast to end of quarter
In the third month of quarter forecast to end of next quarter
All monthly forecasts should have a comment with at least the following:
Week 3 - Department/Function Leaders Review
Complete MBR deck to share context, next actions, and escalate any ISPs
Monday Meeting - MLT 1-1 w/ CEO, review draft content for MBR
Tuesday Meeting - 60m hold for "MLT MBR Prep" (replaces 90m MLT Weekly)
Slot for ad hoc ISPs--Tell CEO in Monday 1-1 if meeting is MLT meeting is needed
Otherwise, this is prep time for MLT and their directs/MLX
Due Date: Draft deck for Monthly Business Review complete by Tuesday EOD
MLT leaders, directs & MLX (cross-department stakeholders) to complete their slides
MLT works with functional leaders (e.g. CSM, Growth, Support, etc.) help dial in data and commentary. Issues requiring escalation should have an ISP prepared.
Optional: MLT can prepare recordings linked to the deck
Deck made “Comment Only”. Opened to MLT comments ahead of MBR meeting
NOTE: Confidential issues (e.g. PIPs, HR, etc.) will be omitted
Week 4 - Monthly Business Review
Complete MBR discussion, get MLT to full context on the business. Escalate & clear ISPs
Tuesday Meeting - 2.5 hour "MLT Monthly Business Review" Meeting
MLT arrives having read the deck and made comments async (unless comments are sensitive, e.g. HR-related)
Maximum 20 minutes discussion per department
Time permitting, MLT can review ISPs queued
Last updated