MLT cadence

The following cadence is used to product our Monthly Business Review deck.

Week 1 - Monthly Strategic Review


  • Begin the month deciding on strategic ISPs, and ISPs from last month’s MBR

Tuesday Meeting - 60m "MLT Monthly Strategic Review"

  • Strategic issues as ISPs discussed and decided

  • MLT invites MLX as appropriate

  • Time permitting, ISPs from prior MBR discussed and decided

  • MLT invites MLX as appropriate

  • Time permitting, have MLT feedback for 10 minutes at the end of this meeting

Week 2 - Monthly Forecast Update


  • MLT leaders prepare for MBR by reviewing results with their directs and appropriate MLX teams (e.g. MLX Growth). Forecasts for FY23 Goals are shared, with context.

Tuesday Meeting - 60m hold for "HOLD: MLT MBR Prep"

  • Slot for ad hoc ISPs--Tell CEO in Monday 1-1 if meeting is MLT meeting is needed

  • Otherwise, this is prep time for MLT and their directs/MLX

Due Date: Forecasts Updated for FY23 Goals by Thursday EOD

  • In first two months of the quarter forecast to end of quarter

  • In the third month of quarter forecast to end of next quarter

  • All monthly forecasts should have a comment with at least the following:

# [DATE]
## Going well - Include thank yous 
## Not going well - Include next actions, DRI and follow-up date 

Week 3 - Department/Function Leaders Review


  • Complete MBR deck to share context, next actions, and escalate any ISPs

Monday Meeting - MLT 1-1 w/ CEO, review draft content for MBR

Tuesday Meeting - 60m hold for "MLT MBR Prep" (replaces 90m MLT Weekly)

  • Slot for ad hoc ISPs--Tell CEO in Monday 1-1 if meeting is MLT meeting is needed

  • Otherwise, this is prep time for MLT and their directs/MLX

Due Date: Draft deck for Monthly Business Review complete by Tuesday EOD

  • MLT leaders, directs & MLX (cross-department stakeholders) to complete their slides

  • MLT works with functional leaders (e.g. CSM, Growth, Support, etc.) help dial in data and commentary. Issues requiring escalation should have an ISP prepared.

  • Optional: MLT can prepare recordings linked to the deck

  • Deck made “Comment Only”. Opened to MLT comments ahead of MBR meeting

  • NOTE: Confidential issues (e.g. PIPs, HR, etc.) will be omitted

Week 4 - Monthly Business Review


  • Complete MBR discussion, get MLT to full context on the business. Escalate & clear ISPs

Tuesday Meeting - 2.5 hour "MLT Monthly Business Review" Meeting

  • MLT arrives having read the deck and made comments async (unless comments are sensitive, e.g. HR-related)

  • Maximum 20 minutes discussion per department

  • Time permitting, MLT can review ISPs queued

Last updated