Signing a Contract and Contract Repository

Signing a Contract using Ironclad

Ironclad can be used for executing contracts by using DocuSign. In order to initiate the signing process through Ironclad you should have already started a workflow and had the contract fully reviewed and approved by Legal.

  • If you use a workflow on a Mattermost template, Ironclad will automatically send the contract out for review once all the approvals have been collected.

  • If you use the 3rd Party Workflow, signature tags will have to be placed into the contract before sending it out for signature. Either method will send you (the Workflow Owner) an email once the agreement is fully signed. If you did get your agreement signed outside of Ironclad you can also upload the signed agreement into Ironclad.

For more information on placing signature tags or uploading a signed agreement, please look here.

Mattermost Contract Repository

Ironclad contract management system is the central repository for all Mattermost contracts, with the exception of People Ops contracts. If you do not have access to Ironclad, you can contact IT to request access.

Last updated