Staff Resource Groups

What are Staff Resource Groups?

Mattermost’s Staff Resource Groups (SRGs) are communities of belonging based on staff shared experiences and/or identities. SRGs can help build more bridges that support connection, iteration and growth in how we use our product to collaborate and communicate. The purpose of the SRG is to create a space to facilitate discussions and elevate staff issues, seek to advance and foster a respectful and inclusive company culture, increase equity and visibility, and impact company programs and initiatives. All Staff Resource Group members are expected to support an inclusive environment by adhering to the conduct standards [link to conduct standards full text].

Guiding principles

  1. Cultivate connection: Foster safe spaces to build bridges with clear and simple processes that enable participation, and structured guidelines that support consistency with the Staff Resource Group Mission.

  2. Growth through purpose: Establish a clear purpose for each Staff Resource Group that demonstrates intent to continually seek ways to grow in our capabilities, staff community and business with a balance of near and long term priorities, and in alignment with our Leadership Principles.

  3. Inclusive iteration: Embrace opportunities to expand our collective perspective by sharing learnings and feedback to continuously improve how our Company’s programs, processes, and policies support our global workplace.

Conduct Standards: How we operate with inclusivity

  • Practice behaviours of inclusion and allyship, such as self-awareness, empathy, curiosity, and humility.

  • Apply the Platinum Rule: Treat others the way they want to be treated.

  • Create an environment of belonging where every member of the group feels welcome, has a voice, and is treated with dignity and respect.

  • Be mindful of and update the language you use. Avoid slang and idioms that may not translate across cultures.

  • Encourage the representation of different perspectives. Give people the space to talk.

  • Embrace micro-affirmations: Be open minded and listen. Recognize, validate, and amplify others’ experiences, emotions, and voices.

  • Tune into inequities and proactively confront micro-aggressions, conscious or unconscious biases.

  • Report inappropriate behavior and comments that are vexatious, abusive, discriminatory, or unwelcome to your SRG Champion and HR.

SRG Champions are responsible for ensuring that SRGs operate with inclusivity and all members of your group abide by Mattermost’s Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy and the SRG Conduct Standards. Behavior or language that is considered vexatious, abusive, discriminatory, or makes someone feel uncomfortable or unsafe at work must be reported to HR. This includes any physical, verbal, or non-verbal offensive behavior or language that is directed at an individual because of their identity, including their sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, race/colour, ethnic origin/place of origin, language, creed, family status, disability, neurodiversity, or other identities. Refer to Mattermost’s Anti-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy for more information.

Forming an SRG: Group Champions

  1. Requirements: Being a SRG Champion at Mattermost is a commitment of both time and energy. Therefore, potential Group Champions will be asked to review the requirements and responsibilities thoroughly in order to make a thoughtful decision to become a Group Champion.

  • Tenure: minimum 3 months

  • Submit application: Including SRG Purpose Statement

  • Work performance: Must be meeting expectations. Due to the time commitment of Group Champions, individuals who aren’t meeting performance expectations won’t be approved as Group Champions but can still join groups as a member.

  1. Responsibilities

  • Earn Trust: Thoughtfully commit to the growth and development of the group for at least 2 quarters. Plan to meet regularly every quarter with other champions. Watch Verna Myers video (Inclusive Leadership), attend post-video Group Session.

  • Self Awareness: Be prepared to engage and reflect.

  • Ownership: Be focused on and an advocate for your group.

  • High Impact: Provide info, feedback and ideas as needed for the pilot programs for SRGs.

  1. Process/Timing

  • Application submission: To apply for an official Mattermost Staff Resource Group, please submit a short form and a member of our People team will DM you on Mattermost.

  • Application review & approval: Upon review and approval, the group will be formally supported by Mattermost for SRG related company initiatives and/or meetups (similar to team meetups).

  • Group Champion Training: Group Leads are responsible for the Groups progress in its purpose as well as the Group’s own operations. As a lead, fostering a safe space for Group Members is important, and two training activities are required for any staff member interested in leading the group.

  • Inclusive Leadership Diversity and Inclusion Awareness: This is a 1-hour video course for Group Champions to learn practical and valuable tips on how to begin leading in a more inclusive environment within their SRG.

  • Documentation: Once the SRG has been formed, the SRG will be added to the handbook, including the SRG purpose statement and SRG Mattermost channel.

  • Group Champion Committee: Sessions are an opportunity for all Group Leads to understand themes our SIGs are experiencing and how we may be able to iterate inclusively at Mattermost. Group Leads may ask for feedback or advice on how to support or facilitate certain situations or topics. Calendar invitations for committee meetings will be shared in the Workplace calendar.

Last updated

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