Release tips

Bug bashes

  • Run a bug bash at least for major releases.

  • Bug bashes can either be run asynchronously/individually or as a group.

  • Use a playbook to run bug bashes - example bug bash playbook.

    • PMs can assign test assignments and testers under the "Testing areas" checklist item.

  • Decide environments to test on - normally community or + include Mobile and Desktop app environments.

  • Decide date(s) for the bug bash.

  • Announce bug bash on the day when the bug bash starts.

  • Invite community members to participate in the bug bash.

  • Triage owner (normally Release Manager) - review reported issues to identify what to fix for the upcoming release and open/assign tickets to teams.

Changelog checklist

  • Features

    • State benefits first.

    • Order features based on benefit for end users.

    • Include links to docs where appropriate.

  • Bugs

    • Check/test if the issue was in previous server version.

  • All sections

    • Check that all sections are written and formatted the same way as in previous changelogs.

  • API/Websocket/Database

    • Work with Devs on this section.

  • Next version

    • If the changelog mentions items regarding upcoming versions, move them to the bottom of the changelog.

Ways to meet deadlines

  • Post a list of dates for next release at or soon after T-0 and ping all of the teams.

  • For features and bugs, start pinging early enough before due dates and make public posts.

  • When pinging people, provide a clear due date and give a reason for the due date (e.g., Code Complete on Monday).

  • Ask if people need any help or have any questions.


  • Monitor progress of translations at and ping language maintainers a few days before due date if they're not getting to 100%.

  • Ask DevOps to submit a new translations PR if a translation deadline extension is requested.

  • Target date for final translations PR is T-24 (feature complete deadline).

Ways that features/bugs guidelines are currently enforced

  • Features guidelines:

    • Start to ping people already at T-30 for feature PRs that are still open.

  • Bugs guidelines:

    • Need to focus on fixing only S1 and S2 bugs after RC-1 has been cut to avoid missing T-10 deadline for cutting the final.

Ways to ensure features are tested for HA/Mobile/Scale

  • HA: Test server available.

  • Scale: Via loadtests.

Release marketing

Last updated